Baldock Bibliography – BIOGRAPHY & FAMILY HISTORY

Harrison, D.: ‘A country doctor in Hertfordshire at the turn of the century’, Hertfordshire Countryside? An account of Dr. Langston Day by his daughter.


Baldock Mail, ‘Rambling Through History’ articles:

BM No. 182, p 22: ‘A Tale of Empire,’ the heroic story behind the memorial in the Church to Major Gall in the and the siege of Lucknow. Brendan King

BM No. 185, p 22: ‘Thomas Pryor’ the last of the Pryor family in Baldock and benefactor to the town. Brendan King.

BM No.191, p22: ‘Pinnock’s Lane and the Pinnock family.’ Jane Havercroft

BM No. 193, p22: ‘A Baldock Character,’ the life of James Brown, 1844-1928. Brendan King

BM No. 206, p23: ‘An Edwardian Childhood in Baldock,’ the adventures of M.E. Clifton James, ‘Monty’s Double’, at Dr. Hicks’ house. Brendan King

BM No. 209, p35: ‘Royal Connections-Dr. A.V. Baillie; part 1: before Baldock,’ the life of the Dean of Windsor. Jane Havercroft

BM No. 210, p35: ‘Royal Connections-Dr. A.V. Baillie; part 2: life in Baldock,’ Dr. Baillie at St. Mary’s House, 1944-1955. Jane Havercroft

BM No. 217 p21: ‘Dr. Langston Day, the Edwardian Doctor. Part 1: his family life.’ Jane Havercroft

BM No. 218 p21: ‘The Edwardian Doctor, Dr. Langston Day. Part 2: his medical practice.’ Jane Havercroft

BM No. 227 p33: ‘The British Kept a’ Coming,’ the career and heroic death at the Battle of New Orleans of Captain Thomas Wilkinson whose epitaph is in St. Mary’s. B. King

BMLHS Newsletter Articles:

‘A Mystery Solved’, (the story behind the Community Centre’s paintings of Mr Thomas Jackson and his wife, Jan 2001. BK

Dr A.V. Baillie, Part 3: Inside St Mary’s House’, (sequel to articles in nos. 209 & 210 of the Baldock Mail), Jane Havercroft, Jan 2013.