Talks for 2024
Thursday 25th January: “Early Medieval Charters of North Hertfordshire” Keith Fitzpatrick Matthews of North Herts Museum
Thursday 21st March: “The History of Wrest Park” Will Fletcher of English Heritage. NB: This is not on the usual 4th Thursday of the month
Thursday 23rd May: “The Civil War in Hertfordshire” Alan Thomson
Thursday 25th July: “Medieval Parks in Northern Hertfordshire” by Anne Rowe
Thursday 26th September: Short AGM and slide show: “Baldock from above; aerial views of the town since the 1920s”.
Thursday 28th November: Some Historic Baldock Characters and Eccentrics Jane Havercroft
All talks to take place at Baldock Community Centre and begin at 8pm. Non-members £3.
Membership is only £5 per person for all the talks and you pay £1 less at History in the Afternoon!
Membership subscriptions are due from the January talk onwards
You can renew at our talks or at Hist in PM, or cheque or cash to 22 Whitehorse Street with name and address